For experienced investors & beginners

How does the market work?

Boostr buys overdue loans from banks and MFOs at auctions, with a discount of 85%.
The pre-trial process begins, when the agency contacts the borrower and tries to agree on the repayment of the debt.
If it was not possible to find a solution, then legal proceedings are initiated to ensure debt collection.
After receiving a judicial order, debt, interest, and fines are collected through the bailiff services and banks.
You choose a portfolio according to your preferences and invest in it. While the portfolio is in the fundraising process, you daily receive an interest of 8% per annum. Every 90 days, we automatically calculate and grant you the difference between the guaranteed rate of 8% and the actual annual interest rate of up to 14.5%. Thus, every 90 days you receive an income ranging between 8% and 14.5% onto your Nibble account.