Chi siamo — Nibble Finance

Chi siamo

Nibble non è un marketplace, ma una piattaforma della holding internazionale IT Smart Finance per investire nei prestiti che vengono concessi dalle società riunite sotto il marchio Joymoney, anch'esso parte della holding. Nibble funge da collegamento tra istituti di credito e investitori e offre un concetto di investimento flessibile che si adatta perfettamente anche agli investitori inesperti.

  • joymoney

Le società della holding che emettono prestiti operano sotto il marchio Joymoney

Il marchio Joymoney opera nel campo del prestito alternativo dal 2014. La società opera in Spagna e Russia. L'inizio delle operazioni in Messico è previsto per il 2021. La missione di Joymoney è aiutare i clienti a risolvere le difficoltà finanziarie in modo rapido e sicuro. A tale scopo, la società utilizza le proprie soluzioni software per l'analisi dei big data, il punteggio ed i sistemi di gestione del rischio.

  • joymoney

In ogni società finanziaria che esercita i prestiti inevitabilmente appaiono i prestiti che non vengono restituiti nei tempi concordati dal contratto. Molte società vendono tali prestiti in grandi portafogli alle aste con uno sconto fino all'85% per restituire una parte del denaro nel business più veloce.

Tali portafogli sono acquistati alle aste da Boostr.

Grazie all'esperienza accumulata e alla tecnologia sviluppata internamente, Boostr fornisce l'intero processo di ritorno, consentendo di ottenere un'alta percentuale di ritorno del capitale. In Eurasia la società ha più di 5 anni di esperienza e uno staff di oltre 80 dipendenti.

In Europa Boostr lavora in collaborazione con le agenzie di recupero crediti, che lavorano per il recupero debiti dei prestiti europei.

Come guadagniamo i soldi per gli investitori:

  1. Boostr acquista prestiti scaduti da banche e MFO alle aste, con uno sconto dell'85%.
  2. Inizia il processo di esazione, quando l'agenzia contatta il mutuatario e cerca di negoziare il rimborso del debito.
  3. Se l'accordo non è riuscito, inizia il processo di contenzioso per ottenere un responso tribunale sul recupero del debito dal debitore che conduce Boostr o il suo partner.
  4. Dopo aver ricevuto una decisione giudiziaria, attraverso l'ufficio giudiziario e le banche avviene il recupero dei debiti, interessi e multe.

La piattaforma finanziaria Nibble opera sul modello di peer-to-portfolio. La scelta Nibble è ideale sia per investitori alle prime armi che professionisti. Abbiamo automatizzato il processo di investimento: l'investitore sceglie la strategia, l'importo e la durata dell'investimento e la piattaforma stessa seleziona i prestiti adatti al portafoglio di investimenti e ne gestisce il reinvestimento.

Offriamo ai nostri investitori un modello operativo flessibile di tre strategie di investimento con un rendimento dal 8 al 14,5% all'anno

I nostri valoris

  • Trasparenza

    Gli investitori ed i partner sono nostri compagni nel raggiungimento del successo. Manteniamo rapporti trasparenti con tutti i partecipanti al mercato

  • Professionalità

    Il nostro team è composto da professionisti con molti anni di esperienza nel mercato dei servizi fintech e comprendiamo esattamente le necessità dei nostri clienti

  • Progressività

    Miglioriamo costantemente per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti. Siamo sempre alla ricerca di innovazioni tecnologiche

La nostra squadra

  • Maxim Pashchenko



    Maxim is an international businessman with experience in the field of innovative technologies and is supportive of fresh, up-and-coming business trends. He has over 15-years’ experience in business management, having founded his first company in 2007. In a short time, Maxim has become one of the most well-known and successful entrepreneurs in his region. In 2013, he assembled a team of talented IT developers to create a unique FinTech platform for online consumer lending services. This platform is now the cornerstone of several fast-growing FinTech companies. Possessing such qualities as leadership, business mindset, the ability to find new opportunities and seeing the risks, Maxim determines the long-term development strategy of the group of companies and plans new business development directions.

  • Ivan Sharafiev


    Chief Executive Officer

    Ivan graduated from ESERP Business School (Madrid, Spain) with a bachelor's degree in Economics. He also has a Master's degree in International Relations and Foreign Trade at the ESERP Business School in Barcelona. In 2015, he held the position of Assistant Deputy Director of the property department of a large gas company. Ivan has extensive experience in the field of financial technologies and the advancement of startups in the European Union to the level of companies with revenues of more than 12 million euro per year. In the company, he is engaged in the development of new business lines, the launch of projects, communication with investors.

  • Lyuldmila Borodina


    Chief Operational Officer

    Lyudmila has an education in the field of Finance and Credit. Before joining the IT Smart Finance team, she had been working for a large international holding company Lime Credit Group, where she held the position of Executive Director. She is responsible for the organization and control of business processes of the entire group of companies, optimization of processes and services, monitoring compliance with mandatory regulatory standards. Lyudmila always achieves her goals and objectives thanks to her perseverance and solid knowledge

  • Vladimir Shepelev


    Information Techology Director

    A qualified mathematical engineer, Vladimir is a distinguished professional in the field of programming and the creation of scalable IT systems. For 16 years, Vladimir had been leading the development team of MTS, the largest mobile operator in the CIS region. He is the author of several unique IT solutions and technologies. He also helps to implement the latest developments in the company. Continuous improvement of the level of his knowledge allows him to perform projects of any complexity and find the most effective solutions.

  • Alex Paiella


    Innovation Manager

    Alex gained his experience working for many years in prestigious consulting firms (Innovation Manager at Ateknea Solutions) in 4 countries on 2 continents, as well as in public institutions of the European level. He knows how to help an aspiring startup overcome technological barriers and eliminate gaps in innovation for business development and entry into new markets. Alex raised more than 10 million euro for various digital projects from EIB. He is part of our team in Barcelona (Spain).

  • Yuri Dergunov


    Chief Legal Officer

    A professional with 15 years of experience in both classical financial institutions (Societe Generale Group) and modern FinTech (Lime Credit Group). He has a degree in Law, Crisis Management, Economics and Management. Yuri is a specialist in corporate governance, licensing, AML, GR and compliance assurance. He provides reliable business support in relations with regulatory authorities and is focused on a team approach and compliance with high standards of efficiency.

  • Tatiana Muminova


    Financial Officer

    Tatiana has more than 13 years of banking experience in the field of foreign trade financing of large corporate clients, more precisely in the UniCredit financial holding and OTP Group. During her career, she was engaged in the development and support of structured financing schemes between banks from the countries of transactions, the EBRD, IFC, export agencies such as Sace, Exim, Exiar. Tatiana is experienced in organizing financing management from scratch to the point of reaching the planned targets in 6 months. In the company, she carries out financial planning, preparation of financial statements and financial risk management. Tatiana lives and works in Barcelona (Spain).

  • Irina Bychkova


    Digital Marketing Manager

    Irina has over 10 years of broad experience in high-tech global companies across European, African, and Asian markets. In 2014 working in leading freeware Browser & Search Engine, Chrome Plus in Vietnam, she built deep and solid technological knowledge combined with digital marketing strategies and sales techniques. These key assets make Irina a high-qualified digital marketing professional who is able to work in the most complex industries. In her client list, such top companies as CitiBank, Samsung, P&G, OPPO, Lenovo, Colgate-Palmolive, Lazada Group. Currently Irina lives and works in Barcelona (Spain).