Investing with Nibble — Nibble Finance

Investing with Nibble

Flexible Investment is our new universal product, meant for beginners and experienced investors. Choose an investment strategy according to your preferences in income and risks. Go ahead! All the rest is already automated for you.

We can offer you three investment strategies: Classic, Balanced and Legal. They differ in the level of annual income, the degree of risks and how they are distributed between the investors and companies attracting investments. Compare our strategies and choose the most appropriate one for yourself.

Even if you have no investment experience, try our investments with a secure income. We will take the risk for you.

If you are already an experienced investor, choose a comfortable strategy in terms of a risk-income ratio. We will share the risks with you.

Secure income

Classic Strategy

You invest in unsecured consumer loans classified as AA, A, BB, for which the borrower's risk of going into a payment delay is very low. With the buyback guarantee, you are protected from risks and receive a guaranteed income at a fixed interest rate.

1–6 monthsinvestment period
€10–10,000amount of investment
€50minimum withdrawal amount
8 %fixed annual interest rate
aaabbNPL classification
22 %of our investors choose this strategy
High income for patient investors

Legal Strategy

The litigation and recovery process takes a long period of time, so the minimum investment period is 6 months. The litigation and collection management is provided by Boostr.

6–60 monthsinvestment period
€10–10,000amount of investment
€50minimum withdrawal amount
NPL 30–90predicted default rate
11-14,5 %current annual interest rate
bcccNPL classification
13 %of our investors choose this strategy
Deposit back
Balanced risks

Balanced Strategy

These are investments in consumer loans classified as BB, B and CC. As a rule, the degree of risk of non-repayment of a loan under this strategy is minimal though NPL 30 and NPL 60 might occur. However, they are nearly always paid back. The default risk for this strategy is low, but the income is significantly higher than that of the strategy with fixed income.

7–60 monthsinvestment period
€100–10,000amount of investment
€50minimum withdrawal amount
NPL-30predicted default rate
12-12,5 %current annual interest rate
bbbccNPL classification
65 %of our investors choose this strategy

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